ProductBaseComponents Web Service
ProductBaseComponents Web Service > All Operations Resource Group : /productbasecomponents.asmx/GetBrands (Method)
Get all available brands
Request (GetBrandsSoapIn)

The request body is of type GetBrands.

Request Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
includeItemId Element skipItemId Element description Element gs1Code Element externalCode Element code Element Sequence GetBrands Element


code optional xs:string
externalCode optional xs:string
gs1Code xs:long
description optional xs:string
skipItemId xs:int
Response (GetBrandsSoapOut)

The response body is of type GetBrandsResponse.

Response Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
SeasonProfileDescription Element AllowDiscounts Element AllowSavings Element MaintainStock Element PrintLabel Element IsCancelled Element SeasonProfileId Element AutoStockMaxStockPercentage Element AutoStockMinStockPercentage Element AutoStockDefaultSaleDays Element AutoStockDefaultMaxStockDays Element AutoStockDefaultMinStockDays Element AutoStockCalculate Element IgnoreAutoStockValues Element LabelClassId Element Description Element Gs1ExportCode Element Gs1Code Element ExternalCode Element Code Element IsDerived Element OrganizationId Element CompanyId Element LastModifiedDateTime Element LastModifiedByUserId Element CreatedDateTime Element CreatedByUserId Element ItemId Element Sequence ViewBrandInfo Element Sequence GetBrandsResult Element Sequence GetBrandsResponse Element


ItemId xs:int
CreatedDateTime xs:dateTime
CompanyId xs:int
IsDerived xs:boolean
Code optional xs:string
ExternalCode optional xs:string
Gs1Code xs:long
Description optional xs:string
IsCancelled xs:boolean
PrintLabel xs:boolean
MaintainStock xs:boolean
AllowSavings xs:boolean
AllowDiscounts xs:boolean
SeasonProfileDescription optional xs:string
See Also
All Operations Resource GroupProductBaseComponents Web Service