ProductBaseComponents Web Service
ProductBaseComponents Web Service > All Operations Resource Group : /productbasecomponents.asmx/ImportSaleOrder (Method)
Import an existing saleorder to the SaleOrders and SaleOrderRows tables
Request (ImportSaleOrderSoapIn)

The request body is of type ImportSaleOrder.

Request Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
SaleOrderRowInfo Element Sequence SaleOrderRows Element LockedForChanges Element Log Element PartialDeliveryAllowed Element WebshopId Element ConversionId Element InboundMessageId Element OrderResponseLog Element OrderResponseDate Element UtmostDeliveryDate Element ExpectedDeliveryDate Element ExportDateTime Element PrintedDateTime Element SuppressUntilDate Element TotalWeightedNetPrice Element TotalNetPrice Element TotalGrossPrice Element SecureDiscounts Element DiscountPercentage Element DiscountPrice Element PurchaseOrderId Element SaleOrderType Element SaleOrderClassId Element TransportProperties Element TransportTypeId Element MiscInfo Element Description Element ReferenceCode Element IsCancelled Element OrderStatus Element OrderNumber Element CostCenterId Element UserId Element MobileDeviceId Element ScannerId Element IsRaise Element IsVatFree Element DebtorId Element DeliveryAddressId Element DeliveryCustomerId Element LoyaltyCard Element CustomerContactId Element CustomerId Element StoreId Element CompanyId Element LastModifiedDateTime Element LastModifiedByUserId Element CreatedDateTime Element CreatedByUserId Element ItemId Element Sequence SaleOrder Element Sequence saleOrderImport Element Sequence ImportSaleOrder Element


ItemId xs:int
CreatedDateTime xs:dateTime
CompanyId xs:int
StoreId xs:int
CustomerId xs:int
LoyaltyCard optional xs:string
DebtorId xs:int
IsVatFree xs:boolean
IsRaise xs:boolean
ScannerId xs:int
UserId xs:int
IsCancelled xs:boolean
ReferenceCode optional xs:string
Description optional xs:string
MiscInfo optional xs:string
TransportProperties optional xs:string
DiscountPrice xs:decimal
SecureDiscounts xs:boolean
TotalGrossPrice xs:decimal
TotalNetPrice xs:decimal
SuppressUntilDate xs:dateTime
PrintedDateTime xs:dateTime
ExportDateTime xs:dateTime
UtmostDeliveryDate xs:dateTime
OrderResponseDate xs:dateTime
OrderResponseLog optional xs:string
ConversionId xs:long
WebshopId xs:int
Log optional xs:string
LockedForChanges xs:boolean
ItemId xs:int
CreatedDateTime xs:dateTime
CompanyId xs:int
ProductId xs:int
BrandId xs:int
ScannerId xs:int
VatId xs:int
VatPercentage xs:decimal
Description optional xs:string
Barcode xs:long
Amount xs:decimal
NumberOfPackages xs:decimal
IsCancelled xs:boolean
Note1 optional xs:string
Note2 optional xs:string
MiscInfo optional xs:string
DiscountPrice xs:decimal
VatRequired xs:boolean
IsNoDiscounts xs:boolean
IsSale xs:boolean
IsParentRow xs:boolean
IsDropshipment xs:boolean
PcePurchasePrice xs:decimal
PceGrossPrice xs:decimal
PceNetPrice xs:decimal
TotalGrossPrice xs:decimal
TotalNetPrice xs:decimal
TotalVat xs:decimal
RemainingAmount xs:decimal
DeliveredAmount xs:decimal
ReservedAmount xs:decimal
ApprovalNote optional xs:string
ApprovedAmount xs:decimal
ConversionId xs:long
Response (ImportSaleOrderSoapOut)

The response body is of type ImportSaleOrderResponse.

Response Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
int Element Sequence SaleOrderRowItemIds Element SaleOrderItemId Element Sequence ImportSaleOrderResult Element Sequence ImportSaleOrderResponse Element


See Also
All Operations Resource GroupProductBaseComponents Web Service