ProductBaseComponents Web Service
ProductBaseComponents Web Service > All Operations Resource Group : /productbasecomponents.asmx/PrintProductListPosReceipt (Method)
The PrintProductListPosReceipt printers the header of a productlist based on receipt printer driver to a thermalprinter so it can be scanned in RetailVista POS
Request (PrintProductListPosReceiptSoapIn)

The request body is of type PrintProductListPosReceipt.

Request Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
isReturnPrinterData Element scannerNumber Element printerId Element receiptPrinterId Element productListId Element Sequence PrintProductListPosReceipt Element


printerId xs:int
scannerNumber xs:short
Response (PrintProductListPosReceiptSoapOut)

The response body is of type PrintProductListPosReceiptResponse.

Response Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
PrinterData Element ResponseInfo Element ResponseStatus Element Sequence PrintProductListPosReceiptResult Element Sequence PrintProductListPosReceiptResponse Element


See Also
All Operations Resource GroupProductBaseComponents Web Service