ProductComponents Web Service
ProductComponents Web Service > All Operations Resource Group : /GetPriceChanges (Method)
The GetPriceChanges function returns all priceChange records for the specified parameters.
Request (GetPriceChangesSoapIn)

The request body is of type GetPriceChanges.

Request Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
FieldsToReturn Element PagingTreshold Element OrderMethod Element Or1PrintedLastNumberOfDays Element Or1SoldLastNumberOfDays Element Or1OnlyWithStock Element ShelfDisplayId Element ShelfProductsAndLocalOnly Element OnlyNotPrintedAfterPriceChange Element OnlyPrintLabel Element DateTimeTo Element DateTimeFrom Element UserId Element Process Element LabelClassId Element PreferredSupplierId Element ClassificationLevel1Id Element ProductCategoryId Element CashRegisterGroupId Element BrandId Element SearchProductState Element PriceType Element PurchaseId Element ProductId Element Sequence Filter Element RecordCount Element Offset Element OrderBy Element SkipItemId Element IncludeItemId Element Sequence request Element Sequence GetPriceChanges Element


SkipItemId xs:int
OrderBy optional xs:string
Offset xs:int
Response (GetPriceChangesSoapOut)

The response body is of type GetPriceChangesResponse.

Response Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
StoreDescription Element User Element PurchaseStatusRowCode Element Stock Element ClassificationLevel5Description Element ClassificationLevel4Description Element ClassificationLevel3Description Element ClassificationLevel2Description Element ClassificationLevel1Description Element SubBrandDescription Element BrandDescription Element LabelClassDescription Element PreferredSupplierNumber Element PreferredSupplierName Element GrossSalePrice Element ProductDescription Element ProductNumber Element ProductBarcode Element DateTime Element UserId Element Process Element NewPrice Element OldPrice Element PriceType Element PurchaseId Element ProductId Element StoreId Element OrganizationId Element CompanyId Element LastModifiedDateTime Element LastModifiedByUserId Element CreatedDateTime Element CreatedByUserId Element ItemId Element Sequence ViewPriceChangeInfo Element Sequence GetPriceChangesResult Element Sequence GetPriceChangesResponse Element


ItemId xs:int
CreatedDateTime xs:dateTime
CompanyId xs:int
StoreId xs:int
ProductId xs:int
PurchaseId xs:int
OldPrice xs:decimal
NewPrice xs:decimal
Process optional xs:string
UserId xs:int
DateTime xs:dateTime
ProductDescription optional xs:string
GrossSalePrice xs:decimal
PreferredSupplierName optional xs:string
LabelClassDescription optional xs:string
BrandDescription optional xs:string
SubBrandDescription optional xs:string
Stock xs:decimal
PurchaseStatusRowCode optional xs:string
User optional xs:string
StoreDescription optional xs:string
See Also
All Operations Resource GroupProductComponents Web Service