AccountingComponents Web Service
AccountingComponents Web Service > All Operations Resource Group : /CreateOrganization (Method)
Request (CreateOrganizationSoapIn)

The request body is of type CreateOrganization.

Request Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
registrationEmailTo Element storeTypeDescription Element isoCurrencyId Element isoCountryId Element EmailAddress Element PhoneNumber Element Country Element City Element ZipCode Element NumberPart2 Element NumberPart1 Element Street Element JobDescription Element LastName Element MiddleName Element FirstName Element CompanyName Element Sequence companyDetails Element IsCancelled Element IsVatIncluded Element IpAddressRestrictions Element IsIpRestrictedAccess Element IsLockedOut Element Description Element CompanyNumber Element Name Element IsHeadOffice Element PriceDecimals Element CustomerId Element CurrencyId Element LanguageId Element CountryId Element OrganizationId Element LastModifiedDateTime Element LastModifiedByUserId Element CreatedDateTime Element CreatedByUserId Element ItemId Element Sequence company Element PriceDecimals Element IsVatIncluded Element Description Element Name Element OrganizationNumber Element CurrencyId Element LanguageId Element CountryId Element LastModifiedDateTime Element LastModifiedByUserId Element CreatedDateTime Element CreatedByUserId Element ItemId Element Sequence organization Element Sequence CreateOrganization Element


ItemId xs:int
CreatedDateTime xs:dateTime
CountryId xs:int
LanguageId xs:int
CurrencyId xs:int
Name optional xs:string
Description optional xs:string
IsVatIncluded xs:boolean
PriceDecimals xs:unsignedByte
ItemId xs:int
CreatedDateTime xs:dateTime
CountryId xs:int
LanguageId xs:int
CurrencyId xs:int
CustomerId xs:int
PriceDecimals xs:unsignedByte
IsHeadOffice xs:boolean
Name optional xs:string
Description optional xs:string
IsLockedOut xs:boolean
IpAddressRestrictions optional xs:string
IsVatIncluded xs:boolean
IsCancelled xs:boolean
CompanyName optional xs:string
FirstName optional xs:string
MiddleName optional xs:string
LastName optional xs:string
JobDescription optional xs:string
Street optional xs:string
NumberPart1 xs:short
NumberPart2 optional xs:string
ZipCode optional xs:string
City optional xs:string
Country optional xs:string
PhoneNumber optional xs:string
EmailAddress optional xs:string
storeTypeDescription optional xs:string
registrationEmailTo optional xs:string
Response (CreateOrganizationSoapOut)

The response body is of type CreateOrganizationResponse.

Response Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
EservicesCustomerNumber Element AdministratorPassword Element CompanyName Element CompanyNumber Element OrganizationName Element OrganizationNumber Element OrganizationId Element Sequence CreateOrganizationResult Element Sequence CreateOrganizationResponse Element


See Also
All Operations Resource GroupAccountingComponents Web Service