CustomerComponents Web Service
CustomerComponents Web Service > All Operations Resource Group : /GetCustomersCount (Method)
The GetCustomersCount function retrieves the customers count for the given parameters.
Request (GetCustomersCountSoapIn)

The request body is of type GetCustomersCount.

Request Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
RfidCode Element LastModifiedDateTo Element LastModifiedDateFrom Element Street Element CustomerId Element IsExportAllowedOnly Element IsCancelledOnly Element IsSmartSearch Element IsConsignmentSuppliersOnly Element IsSupplierOnly Element IsDebtorOnly Element IsCompanyOnly Element CardNumber Element Telephone Element City Element NumberPart2 Element NumberPart1 Element Email Element ZipCode Element LastName Element CompanyName Element SearchText Element GeneralName Element PriceAgreementId Element DiscountAgreementId Element SaleTypeId Element IsDefaultDebtorOnly Element IsDefaultSupplierOnly Element DebtorId Element SupplierId Element GS1EdiCustomerPartyNumber Element GS1EdiPartyNumber Element ExternalCode Element CustomerNumber Element ExternalId Element LoyaltyProviderId Element CustomerTypeId Element CountryId Element Sequence filter Element Sequence GetCustomersCount Element


CountryId xs:int
ExternalId xs:int
ExternalCode optional xs:string
SupplierId xs:int
DebtorId xs:int
SaleTypeId xs:int
GeneralName optional xs:string
SearchText optional xs:string
CompanyName optional xs:string
LastName optional xs:string
ZipCode optional xs:string
Email optional xs:string
NumberPart2 optional xs:string
City optional xs:string
Telephone optional xs:string
CardNumber xs:long
IsSmartSearch xs:boolean
CustomerId xs:int
Street optional xs:string
LastModifiedDateTo xs:dateTime
RfidCode optional xs:string
Response (GetCustomersCountSoapOut)

The response body is of type GetCustomersCountResponse.

Response Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
GetCustomersCountResult Element Sequence GetCustomersCountResponse Element


See Also
All Operations Resource GroupCustomerComponents Web Service