CustomerComponents Web Service
CustomerComponents Web Service > All Operations Resource Group : /GetDebtors (Method)
Get all available debtors using a filter object
Request (GetDebtorsSoapIn)

The request body is of type GetDebtors.

Request Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
PagingTreshold Element EmailAddressId Element CancelledOnly Element CollectOnly Element PosLuxuryReceiptFreeBinaryId Element DigitalProcessingType Element ModifiedSinceDateTime Element IsSmartSearch Element VatCode Element Bank Element IsVatDebtorOnly Element InvoicePaymentConditionId Element IsTemporarilyBlockedOnly Element NumberPart1 Element ZipCode Element GeneralName Element DebtorNumber Element SendShippingNotificationOnInvoicedOnly Element Sequence Filter Element RecordCount Element Offset Element OrderBy Element SkipItemId Element IncludeItemId Element Sequence debtorsRequest Element Sequence GetDebtors Element


Response (GetDebtorsSoapOut)

The response body is of type GetDebtorsResponse.

Response Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
DefaultCustomerGeneralName Element InvoiceIsoCountryCode Element InvoiceCountry Element InvoiceCity Element InvoiceZipCode Element InvoiceAddress Element GsmNumber Element FaxNumber Element PhoneNumber Element Cancelled Element AlwaysSellOnAccount Element CollectName Element CollectBIC Element CollectIban Element EmailBCC Element EmailCC Element EmailAddressId Element DigitalProcessingType Element SendShippingNotificationOnInvoiced Element IsNeverGenerateInvoices Element PaymentDays Element InvoiceReportId Element PrintInvoiceFromPos Element InvoiceSaleReportId Element PosLuxuryReceiptFreeBinaryId Element OnlyDeliverCash Element TermsOfDeliveryReceivedDate Element TermsOfDeliverySentDate Element InvoiceFrequencyType Element IsBundleInvoices Element DetectedIban Element BIC Element Bank Element ViesName Element VatCode Element IsVatDebtor Element ChamberCommerceCode Element InvoicePaymentConditionId Element IsTemporarilyBlocked Element MaxCredit Element PosNote Element Note Element AttentionOf Element GeneralName Element SearchText Element FeedbackCode Element DebtorNumber Element OrganizationId Element CompanyId Element LastModifiedDateTime Element LastModifiedByUserId Element CreatedDateTime Element CreatedByUserId Element ItemId Element Sequence ViewDebtorInfo Element Sequence GetDebtorsResult Element Sequence GetDebtorsResponse Element


ItemId xs:int
CreatedDateTime xs:dateTime
CompanyId xs:int
DebtorNumber xs:long
FeedbackCode optional xs:string
SearchText optional xs:string
GeneralName optional xs:string
AttentionOf optional xs:string
Note optional xs:string
PosNote optional xs:string
MaxCredit xs:decimal
ChamberCommerceCode optional xs:string
IsVatDebtor xs:boolean
VatCode optional xs:string
ViesName optional xs:string
Bank optional xs:string
BIC optional xs:string
DetectedIban optional xs:string
IsBundleInvoices xs:boolean
OnlyDeliverCash xs:boolean
EmailCC optional xs:string
EmailBCC optional xs:string
CollectIban optional xs:string
CollectBIC optional xs:string
CollectName optional xs:string
Cancelled xs:boolean
PhoneNumber optional xs:string
FaxNumber optional xs:string
GsmNumber optional xs:string
InvoiceAddress optional xs:string
InvoiceZipCode optional xs:string
InvoiceCity optional xs:string
InvoiceCountry optional xs:string
InvoiceIsoCountryCode optional xs:string
DefaultCustomerGeneralName optional xs:string
See Also
All Operations Resource GroupCustomerComponents Web Service