CustomerComponents Web Service
CustomerComponents Web Service > All Operations Resource Group : /GetModifiedCustomers (Method)
Request (GetModifiedCustomersSoapIn)

The request body is of type GetModifiedCustomers.

Request Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
lastModifiedDateTime Element Sequence GetModifiedCustomers Element


Response (GetModifiedCustomersSoapOut)

The response body is of type GetModifiedCustomersResponse.

Response Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
PriceToApply Element NewsLetterStatus Element SendSaleConfirmation Element SaleConfirmationEmailAddressId Element RfidCode Element FreeDeliveryValue Element SupplierInformation Element SupplierType Element POEmailAddress Element POFtpSubfolder Element PORowOrderType Element GS1EdiPartyNumber Element GS1EdiFormat Element DefaultCommunicationType Element Swift Element Iban Element Giro Element Bank Element DefaultGrossProfitPercentage Element VatCode Element SupplierName Element SupplierNumber Element Url Element Remarks Element SalutationId Element PreviousCompanyName Element CompanyName Element PriceAgreementId Element DiscountAgreementId Element SaleTypeId Element ExternalCode Element IsCancelled Element LanguageId Element LastName Element MiddleName Element FirstName Element Initials Element SearchText Element IsCompany Element GeneralName Element IsDefaultDebtor Element IsDefaultSupplier Element DebtorId Element SupplierId Element CustomerNumber Element CustomerTypeId Element ItemId Element Sequence ModifiedCustomerInfo Element Sequence GetModifiedCustomersResult Element Sequence GetModifiedCustomersResponse Element


ItemId xs:int
SupplierId xs:int
DebtorId xs:int
IsDefaultDebtor xs:boolean
GeneralName optional xs:string
IsCompany xs:boolean
SearchText optional xs:string
Initials optional xs:string
FirstName optional xs:string
MiddleName optional xs:string
LastName optional xs:string
LanguageId xs:int
IsCancelled xs:boolean
ExternalCode optional xs:string
SaleTypeId xs:int
CompanyName optional xs:string
PreviousCompanyName optional xs:string
Remarks optional xs:string
Url optional xs:string
SupplierName optional xs:string
VatCode optional xs:string
Bank optional xs:string
Giro optional xs:string
Iban optional xs:string
Swift optional xs:string
POFtpSubfolder optional xs:string
POEmailAddress optional xs:string
SupplierInformation optional xs:string
RfidCode optional xs:string
See Also
All Operations Resource GroupCustomerComponents Web Service