CustomerComponents Web Service
CustomerComponents Web Service > All Operations Resource Group : /NewDebtorsRequest (Method)
Returns a new filter object, initialized to return all records
Request (NewDebtorsRequestSoapIn)

The request body is of type NewDebtorsRequest.

NewDebtorsRequest Element


Response (NewDebtorsRequestSoapOut)

The response body is of type NewDebtorsRequestResponse.

Response Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
PagingTreshold Element EmailAddressId Element CancelledOnly Element CollectOnly Element PosLuxuryReceiptFreeBinaryId Element DigitalProcessingType Element ModifiedSinceDateTime Element IsSmartSearch Element VatCode Element Bank Element IsVatDebtorOnly Element InvoicePaymentConditionId Element IsTemporarilyBlockedOnly Element NumberPart1 Element ZipCode Element GeneralName Element DebtorNumber Element SendShippingNotificationOnInvoicedOnly Element Sequence Filter Element RecordCount Element Offset Element OrderBy Element SkipItemId Element IncludeItemId Element Sequence NewDebtorsRequestResult Element Sequence NewDebtorsRequestResponse Element


See Also
All Operations Resource GroupCustomerComponents Web Service