FinancialComponents Web Service
FinancialComponents Web Service > All Operations Resource Group : /GetCashSales (Method)
Get all available CashSales
Request (GetCashSalesSoapIn)

The request body is of type GetCashSales.

Request Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
conversionId Element transactionDateTo Element transactionDateFrom Element customerId Element receiptId Element saleTypeId Element userId Element posTerminalId Element transactionNumber Element storeId Element Sequence GetCashSales Element


storeId xs:int
userId xs:int
saleTypeId xs:int
receiptId xs:int
customerId xs:int
transactionDateTo xs:dateTime
Response (GetCashSalesSoapOut)

The response body is of type GetCashSalesResponse.

Response Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
PosTransactionId Element CustomerNumber Element ReceiptNumber Element UserLastName Element UserMiddleName Element UserFirstName Element UserLoginName Element UserFullName Element SaleTypeDescription Element SaleTypeCode Element PosTerminalDescription Element PosTerminalNumber Element LoyaltyProviderId Element ZipCode Element TotalNetPrice Element TotalGrossPrice Element DiscountPrice Element DiscountPercentage Element LoyaltyWithdrawalPrice Element LoyaltyCardNumber Element ConversionId Element TransactionDateTime Element TransactionNumber Element IsVatFree Element PromotionVoucherId Element DebtorId Element CustomerId Element ReceiptId Element SaleTypeId Element UserId Element FiscalInterchangeCode Element PosTerminalId Element StoreId Element CompanyId Element LastModifiedDateTime Element LastModifiedByUserId Element CreatedDateTime Element CreatedByUserId Element ItemId Element Sequence ViewCashSaleInfo Element Sequence GetCashSalesResult Element Sequence GetCashSalesResponse Element


ItemId xs:int
CreatedDateTime xs:dateTime
CompanyId xs:int
StoreId xs:int
FiscalInterchangeCode optional xs:string
UserId xs:int
SaleTypeId xs:int
ReceiptId xs:int
CustomerId xs:int
DebtorId xs:int
IsVatFree xs:boolean
ConversionId xs:long
DiscountPrice xs:decimal
TotalGrossPrice xs:decimal
TotalNetPrice xs:decimal
ZipCode optional xs:string
PosTerminalDescription optional xs:string
SaleTypeCode optional xs:string
SaleTypeDescription optional xs:string
UserFullName optional xs:string
UserLoginName optional xs:string
UserFirstName optional xs:string
UserMiddleName optional xs:string
UserLastName optional xs:string
See Also
All Operations Resource GroupFinancialComponents Web Service