FinancialComponents Web Service
FinancialComponents Web Service > All Operations Resource Group : /GetInvoiceJournal (Method)
The GetInvoiceJournal functions returns a file content as byte array with invoice ledger data for a financial application
Request (GetInvoiceJournalSoapIn)

The request body is of type GetInvoiceJournal.

Request Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
success Element journals Element isIncludeAlreadyProcessed Element isMarkAsProcessed Element invoiceJournalId Element invoicePrintedDateTo Element fileCreationDate Element bookPeriod Element bookYear Element autoCalculatePeriod Element storeId Element Sequence GetInvoiceJournal Element


storeId xs:int
bookYear xs:int
bookPeriod xs:int
fileCreationDate xs:dateTime
journals xs:int
success xs:boolean
Response (GetInvoiceJournalSoapOut)

The response body is of type GetInvoiceJournalResponse.

Response Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
success Element journals Element GetInvoiceJournalResult Element Sequence GetInvoiceJournalResponse Element


GetInvoiceJournalResult optional xs:base64Binary
journals xs:int
success xs:boolean
See Also
All Operations Resource GroupFinancialComponents Web Service