FinancialComponents Web Service
FinancialComponents Web Service > All Operations Resource Group : /NewInvoiceInfo (Method)
Returns a new InvoiceInfo object
Request (NewInvoiceInfoSoapIn)

The request body is of type NewInvoiceInfo.

NewInvoiceInfo Element


Response (NewInvoiceInfoSoapOut)

The response body is of type NewInvoiceInfoResponse.

Response Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
DigitalProcessingType Element InvoiceSentDateTime Element ConversionId Element SaleTypeId Element ExportLog Element ExportDate Element Status Element TotalPaid Element TotalNetPrice Element TotalGrossPrice Element Information Element Reminder3ExpiredDate Element Reminder3PrintedDate Element Reminder3CreatedDate Element Reminder2ExpiredDate Element Reminder2PrintedDate Element Reminder2CreatedDate Element Reminder1ExpiredDate Element Reminder1PrintedDate Element Reminder1CreatedDate Element InvoiceExportedDate Element InvoiceExpiredDate Element InvoicePrintedDate Element InvoiceCreatedDate Element DoNotProcessBeforeDate Element InvoiceJournalId Element InvoiceNumber Element ConceptInvoiceNumber Element Collect Element IsRaise Element IsVatFree Element IsCancelled Element InvoicePaymentConditionId Element DebtorId Element Description Element StoreId Element CompanyId Element LastModifiedDateTime Element LastModifiedByUserId Element CreatedDateTime Element CreatedByUserId Element ItemId Element Sequence NewInvoiceInfoResult Element Sequence NewInvoiceInfoResponse Element


ItemId xs:int
CreatedDateTime xs:dateTime
CompanyId xs:int
StoreId xs:int
Description optional xs:string
DebtorId xs:int
IsCancelled xs:boolean
IsVatFree xs:boolean
IsRaise xs:boolean
Collect xs:boolean
InvoiceCreatedDate xs:dateTime
InvoicePrintedDate xs:dateTime
InvoiceExpiredDate xs:dateTime
Information optional xs:string
TotalGrossPrice xs:decimal
TotalNetPrice xs:decimal
TotalPaid xs:decimal
ExportDate xs:dateTime
ExportLog optional xs:string
SaleTypeId xs:int
ConversionId xs:long
See Also
All Operations Resource GroupFinancialComponents Web Service