FinancialComponents Web Service
FinancialComponents Web Service > All Operations Resource Group : /NewInvoicesFilter (Method)
Returns a new InvoicesFilter object
Request (NewInvoicesFilterSoapIn)

The request body is of type NewInvoicesFilter.

NewInvoicesFilter Element


Response (NewInvoicesFilterSoapOut)

The response body is of type NewInvoicesFilterResponse.

Response Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
ConversionId Element Iban Element DigitalProcessingType Element Sequence DigitalProcessingType Element SentOnly Element CollectOnly Element IsEdiInvoicesOnly Element IsExportedOnly Element InvoiceJournalId Element IsJournalInvoicesOnly Element IsReminder3InvoicesOnly Element IsReminder2InvoicesOnly Element IsReminder1InvoicesOnly Element ExpireDays Element IsExpiredOnly Element IsPrintedOnly Element IsInvoiceCancelledOnly Element IsVatFreeOnly Element IsPaidOnly Element InvoiceStatus Element Sequence Status Element CountryId Element DebtorId Element InvoiceExpiredDateTo Element InvoiceExpiredDateFrom Element InvoicePrintedDateTo Element InvoicePrintedDateFrom Element InvoiceCreatedDateTo Element InvoiceCreatedDateFrom Element InvoiceNumberTo Element InvoiceNumberFrom Element InvoiceNumber Element ConceptInvoiceNumberTo Element ConceptInvoiceNumberFrom Element ConceptInvoiceNumber Element InvoiceId Element SaleTypeId Element StoreId Element Sequence NewInvoicesFilterResult Element Sequence NewInvoicesFilterResponse Element


StoreId xs:int
SaleTypeId xs:int
InvoiceId xs:int
DebtorId xs:int
CountryId xs:int
ExpireDays xs:int
Iban optional xs:string
ConversionId xs:long
See Also
All Operations Resource GroupFinancialComponents Web Service