PosComponents Web Service
PosComponents Web Service > All Operations Resource Group : /NewGiftCardsFilter (Method)
The NewGiftCardsFilter function returns an initially filled GiftCardsFilter object.
Request (NewGiftCardsFilterSoapIn)

The request body is of type NewGiftCardsFilter.

NewGiftCardsFilter Element


Response (NewGiftCardsFilterSoapOut)

The response body is of type NewGiftCardsFilterResponse.

Response Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
ModifiedSinceDateTime Element CreatedDateTo Element CreatedDateFrom Element IsBlockedOnly Element IsPrintedOnly Element ExpiryDate Element TransactionsRemaining Element Status Element VerificationCode Element CardNumberTo Element CardNumberFrom Element CardNumber Element CardNumberWithSuffix Element InvoiceSaleId Element CashSaleId Element CustomerId Element GiftCardDefinitionId Element GiftCardTypeId Element StoreId Element Sequence NewGiftCardsFilterResult Element Sequence NewGiftCardsFilterResponse Element


See Also
All Operations Resource GroupPosComponents Web Service