SecurityComponents Web Service
SecurityComponents Web Service > All Operations Resource Group : /GetUsersWithFilter (Method)
The GetUsers function returns all users (if any) for the given parameters.
Request (GetUsersWithFilterSoapIn)

The request body is of type GetUsersWithFilter.

Request Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
SecurityRoleId Element IncludeItemId Element SkipItemId Element NotInSecurityGroupId Element IsUnusedAccount Element IsPermanentlyBlocked Element IsApproved Element IsScannerUser Element IsPosUser Element IsWebsiteUser Element IsSystemUser Element IsGlobalAdministrator Element IsGlobalUser Element IsCompanyAdministrator Element RfidCode Element LastName Element LoginName Element RestrictedToStoreId Element CompanyId Element Sequence filter Element Sequence GetUsersWithFilter Element


Response (GetUsersWithFilterSoapOut)

The response body is of type GetUsersWithFilterResponse.

Response Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
AssignedFeatures Element SecurityRoleDescription Element SecurityRoleCode Element ClientIpAddress Element IsTemporarilyBlocked Element LastNameFirstName Element IsVatIncluded Element PriceDecimals Element CurrencyId Element CountryId Element MobileDeviceId Element ScannerId Element RestrictedStoreDescription Element RestrictedStoreNumber Element IsHeadOfficeUser Element LanguageCode Element PromotionProfileId Element StoreTypeDifferentationId Element StoreTypeId Element StoreCountryId Element StoreId Element IsEvaluation Element StoreTimeZone Element StoreDescription Element StoreNumber Element CompanyName Element CompanyNumber Element OrganizationId Element EServicesUserNumber Element SecurityRoleId Element RfidCode Element PosPassword Element IsUseCustomPosPassword Element Comment Element FailedPasswordAttemptsCount Element LastFailedLoginDateTime Element LastFailedLoginIpAddress Element LastLoginDateTime Element IsPermanentlyBlocked Element IsApproved Element IsScannerUser Element IsPosUser Element IsWebsiteUser Element IsSystemUser Element IsGlobalAdministrator Element IsGlobalUser Element IsCompanyAdministrator Element Email Element LanguageId Element PasswordExpiryDays Element IsForceChangePasswordOnNextLogin Element LastPasswordChangedDate Element PasswordFormat Element Password Element LoginName Element RestrictToStoreId Element FullName Element LastName Element MiddleName Element FirstName Element Initials Element SalutationId Element CompanyId Element LastModifiedDateTime Element LastModifiedByUserId Element CreatedDateTime Element CreatedByUserId Element ItemId Element Sequence ViewUserInfo Element Sequence GetUsersWithFilterResult Element Sequence GetUsersWithFilterResponse Element


ItemId xs:int
CreatedDateTime xs:dateTime
CompanyId xs:int
Initials optional xs:string
FirstName optional xs:string
MiddleName optional xs:string
LastName optional xs:string
FullName optional xs:string
LoginName optional xs:string
Password optional xs:string
LanguageId xs:int
Email optional xs:string
IsGlobalUser xs:boolean
IsSystemUser xs:boolean
IsWebsiteUser xs:boolean
IsPosUser xs:boolean
IsScannerUser xs:boolean
IsApproved xs:boolean
LastLoginDateTime xs:dateTime
LastFailedLoginIpAddress optional xs:string
Comment optional xs:string
PosPassword optional xs:string
RfidCode optional xs:string
CompanyName optional xs:string
StoreNumber xs:short
StoreDescription optional xs:string
StoreTimeZone xs:short
IsEvaluation xs:boolean
StoreId xs:int
LanguageCode optional xs:string
IsHeadOfficeUser xs:boolean
RestrictedStoreDescription optional xs:string
ScannerId xs:int
CountryId xs:int
CurrencyId xs:int
PriceDecimals xs:unsignedByte
IsVatIncluded xs:boolean
LastNameFirstName optional xs:string
ClientIpAddress optional xs:string
SecurityRoleCode optional xs:string
SecurityRoleDescription optional xs:string
AssignedFeatures optional xs:string
See Also
All Operations Resource GroupSecurityComponents Web Service